
PGI workstation中MPICH的部分

4.3 Running an MPICH Program on Linux

PGI Workstation 7.1 for Linux includes MPICH libraries, tools, and licenses required to compile, execute, profile, and debug MPI programs. PGI Workstation can be installed on a single node, and the node can be treated as if it is a cluster. The MPI profiler and debugger are limited to processes on a single node in PGI Workstation. The PGI CDK Cluster Development Kit supports general development on clusters.
The PGI Tools Guide describes the MPI enabled tool in detail:
• PGPROF graphical MPI/OpenMP/multi-thread performance profiler.
• PGDBG graphical MPI/OpenMP/multi-thread symbolic debugger
• MPICH MPI libraries, version 1.2.7, for both 32-bit and 64-bit
development environments (Linux only)
Try the MPI “hello world” program in the bench/mpihello subdirectory:
% cp -r $PGI/linux86/7.1/examples/mpi ./mpihello
% cd ./mpihello/mpihello
% pgf77 -o mpihello mpihello.f -Mmpi
% mpirun mpihello
Hello world! I'm node 0
% mpirun -np 4 mpihello
Hello world! I'm node 0
Hello world! I'm node 2
Hello world! I'm node 1
Hello world! I'm node 3
PGI Workstation 7.1 23
To run the debugger on an mpich program, do this:
mpirun –dbg=pgdbg –np 4 mpihello